
Showing posts from August, 2021

Reading List for September (Week 1) by Rochelle D’souza

Hope you enjoyed reading last week’s articles. I apologise for being a little late this week in sharing articles as I have been down with a little cold but today I am feeling much better.  Last week I shared a lot of articles related to Afghanistan. I hope it helped you gain some perspective about the issue. This week I’m back to sharing a mix of articles covering various issues.  I am also happy to share articles recommended by another reader,Sneha Ghatge. She has shared three articles that she enjoyed reading. Thank you Sneha.  This is very encouraging for me.  I am happy to receive recommendations and feedback from all of you. Do write to me and send articles that you find interesting so that they can be shared with other readers. You can also write if you find these articles helpful and share your thoughts with me.  I’m also increasing the list of articles to 18, encouraging you to read more. Try to read 2-3 articles everyday.  The  list for this week has 18 articles and 1  short b

Reading List for August 2021 (Week 4) by Rochelle D’souza

  Reading List for August 2021 (Week 4) by Rochelle D’souza It is close to a month now and this blog has shared close to 50 articles. If you don’t read too much and have finished reading the articles that the blog has shared for the past three weeks, you should treat yourself. You have really done well for yourself. And nothing works better than positive reinforcement. Doing anything new needs patience and those of you who learnt to be consistent with reading articles need to reward yourselves.  With about 100 days to CAT, let us promise ourselves to continue reading. Keep up the good work and the reward is not far away. Patience is the key and believe me reading is a wonderful habit which nurtures you to become a better version of yourself. Also this week I am sharing an article that one of the readers, Subin Subair has shared. Subin enjoyed reading this article and recommended that I share it with you. If any of you would like to share articles that you found interesting, do share i

Reading List for August 2021 (Week 3) by Rochelle D’souza

Did you finish reading all the recommended articles? Did you enjoy reading them? Which of the articles did you like. And what about the short book, did you enjoy that.  This time I will be including a few of George Orwell’s essays instead of a short book. Let me know if you enjoyed reading it. Also, there is another interesting initiativet that is planned for you.From now onwards, I will also include recommendations by the readers. So, if you come across any interesting articles, you can also share them with me and I will include them in the list.  The current  list contains 14 articles and 1 compilation of George Orwell’s essays  you can read during this week.  Articles

Reading List for August 2021 (Week 2) by Rochelle D’souza

  Reading List for August 2021 (Week 2) by Rochelle D’souza This week’s list is ready. Hope you were able to read all of last time’s recommendations. For those who enjoy reading, I’m sure you will appreciate the variety. For those who don’t enjoy reading, get yourself to read atleast 2 articles each day and track the articles you are reading.  This list contains 14 articles and 1 short book you can read during this week.

Reading List for August 2021 (Week 1) by Rochelle D’souza

  Reading List for August 2021 (Week 1) by Rochelle D’souza Reading is an important part of preparation for competitive exams. The purpose of sharing a list of articles is to encourage you to read on diverse topics. This list has articles on subjects like economics, politics, science, mathematics, etc I am sure you will enjoy reading these articles.  This list contains 14 articles and 1 short book you can read during this week.